Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Miracles of Owie Spray

Having kids is hard sometimes . . . all the time . . . depends on the day ;) As I'm writing this I am adoring a glow stick flower, discussing the coolness of Ninjago Legos, and trying to get someone to hold still so I can take the last picture required to finish this post.  Ahh Motherhood!

I can never stop praising owie spray. It costs $5.05 to make it and it is seriously the best neosporin out there. I understand though I can tell you that it clears road rash in a day, that most scrapes are healed in a couple of days but I have never gotten any pictures until now!

Taylor had a rough couple of weeks. Last day of school she runs into a kid at the park and gets a black eye. I get that looking better and she slips of the trampoline and gives herself a goose-egg off the side of her face that was gone in a couple of hours with 2 drops of Frankincense.

 I think wow we've got all our summer injuries over and school has only been out 3 days.  I was wrong. I should have knocked on wood. I should have said Heavenly Father I take that back don't give us worse really we're good. But, I didn't . . .

I had to drop something off to the kids at their dads and they come running to see me and I am horrified.  Taylors smiling but she looks like 2-face.  One whole side of her face is scraped from her forehead to her lip.  I drive home, grab the owie spray and explain to her dad, you use this when you drop her off at my house tomorrow the red will be gone. I will know if you used it or not. Of course at that moment I didn't pull out my cell phone and take a picture. Like every other awesome oil story I miss the first one :)

June 6th 5 pm She wouldn't be alone in the picture because she didn't want anyone seeing her face.  But this is amazingly better then the day before. Within 24 hours she can open her eye more and the sections in between the 2 big scrapes have cleared. 
June 8th 10 am 
 Same day an hour later. The whole cheek scab feel off about a minute after we applied the oil.  It just lifted and feel off in one piece.

June 9th 7 pm
 June 13th. I am amazed at how well she healed.  Especially since she is so expressive with her face.  The wonderful thing about using the oils is they help protect so I didn't have to use any bandaids or even think about using any.  Really how would I have kept her eye covered? 

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