Monday, October 8, 2012

Go pick an oil

My kids are young enough that when they hurt or when something is wrong they don't know the words to tell me what is going on.  What I get from them is whining, snuggles and sleepless nights.  After one such horrid night Taylor my youngest was about to drive me south of insane and I finally told her please pick an oil.  It sounds insane I know but what happened shows you the power in the oils.  She sat there with my box of oils and fiddled with the bottles picked some up and smelled them and finally she handed me a bottle of Melaleuca Oil and said, "Mommy ears."
Melaleuca is antiseptic and is the go to for ear infections.  My night was completely explained to me in 2 words that didn't leave her mouth until she picked up that oil.  Less than 15 minutes after using the oils I find this . . . 

A little miracle after a sleepless night.  Our bodies know what they need.  She can't read, she can barely tell me whats wrong but she knew that oil would help her.  

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