Monday, October 8, 2012

What's YOUR Why?

Why do you get up in the morning? Why do you exercise? These are questions we all ask ourselves all the time. I'm going to share with you my WHY. Why, I chose doTERRA.  They are 6, 4, and 3 and my everything.  I would jump on top of a pile of construction materials to save them the pain and I put up with horrid pregnancies so they could be a part of my Happily Ever After.

It all started when we were planning a trip to see my family in California. Owen was complaining his throat hurt, this is out of character for him and since we were scheduled to leave in 3 days I figured lets go to the doctor so I know he's fine.  That's when I was told he had Hand, Foot, Mouth, a viral disease that causes blisters to form in the mouth and throat.  You also get a rash on your hands and feet.
This is what happens . . .

Does anyone know what the doctor told me I could do? You guessed it absolutely nothing.  She gave me a syrup that he could swish around his mouth but could not swallow due to the side effects. Also to top it off it may not work or it may numb him to much so that if he ate he could start chewing his tongue and cheeks and not even notice.  When I asked her how long til it was gone, 2 weeks to 3 months.  My baby was going to suffer.  How can we just stand by and let that happen?

I have a dear friend that had introduced me to oils earlier that year and I hadn't done much with them and I figured now was my shot.  I pulled out my Modern Essentials Book or the Oil Bible and looked it up.  I was told to use OnGuard Immunity Blend and Melaleuca Oil.  I got home and that is the first thing I did I rubbed a drop on each of his feet and then went to check my girls.  Lily had the dots on her hands and Taylor had nothing.  Since the oils do no harm I put it on both my girls to protect them from getting it or having it progress.  I repeated that every couple of hours that day.  When we woke up the next morning Owen wanted to eat! I still put the oils on him and I checked Lily's hands and the spots were gone!

Our story has a little plot twist what we didn't know was we had shared this virus with cousins.  When I found out I was horrified.  I immediately got my oils and the syrup that we had been prescribed and never used and went to their home to share.  I felt confident that they would be fine and all would be well.  Life got busy and my kids were fine I didn't check on the cousins to see how they were doing and because of their nightmare they thought we were going through the same thing.  For 3 weeks they suffered.  They were in and out of the ER, their kids weren't eating or sleeping.  When they returned the oils they had not used a drop but the numbing syrup was gone.  To me that is POWERFUL!  We started it we should have gotten the worst of the virus but we only had 1 day of a sore throat.  

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