Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Secret Weapon

Every mom needs a secret weapon. Today I had to use mine. Mito2Max! Can I just say AMAZING!!! I got about 3 hours of interrupted sleep last night and frankly I am not as peppy as I used to be. I have a bedtime. I NEED sleep. When my alarm went off and I had been awake for 3 hours already I knew today I was done for. I threw together breakfast got Owen off to school and crashed again. An hour later I woke up again got another kid up and fed and still felt like I had been run over by a tanker.

There was no time for anymore naps I had to be Alert Momma. I took 2 Mito2Max and played with my youngest, got some laundry done, did some cross stitch, drove the school bus and got home and was ready to go for homework and everything else. I didn't even notice I was up and ready to go until I remember I didn't sleep last night! I love this feeling, I'm not jittery, I didn't have a crash of energy. I've been steadily going all day long instead of curled up on the couch hoping to sneak a nap in between episodes of Dora.

1 comment:

  1. I love Mito2Max! I'm glad it could help you on that horrible day of needing sleep!
